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Relax Now!

New Theatre of the everyday from Berlin, London and Prague.

In our new piece, we investigate the daily life of major cities. How does the ever-increasing speed of the world manifest in contemporary bodies? In the search for identity, and in the whirl of constant information and change, distances have become negligible and objectives blurry. Whoever stands still has already lost - or is exactly that the best first step? 

With: Rosalin Hertrich, Zdenka Josefi, Josef Mehling, Linda Straub

Music: Myko

Stage: Mathias Straub

Light design: Michal Horáček



Český rozhlas: Lapil vás spěch zkuste Relax Now! (CS)

Kateřina Grünerová: Recenze Relax Now: Zpomalte, zastavte se a zvedněte oči od mobilu.​

Premiere: 7./8.9.2016, 20:00 


7.11.2016, Divadlo Archa, Prague

10. 2. 2017, Divadlo Archa, Prague

16. 2. 2017. Czech Center, Berlin

Divadlo Archa (Prague/CZ)

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